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In today's fast-paced world, we're juggling more tasks in less time than ever before.
From the moment we wake up in the morning until our heads hit the pillow at night, life is like a movie stuck in "fast forward."
Now more than ever, we have to do more, be more and get more out of each day. There's never room for error, never time to slow down.
This can be a problem when the one thing we DO need to make time for—eating healthy—is often pushed to the side in favor of fast food, prepared meals, and other 'fat-bulging' empty calories. Because when we're in a hurry there's fewer choices.
And all those heavy cheeseburgers, frozen dinners, and white bread can leave you feeling sluggish and tired. The point is, you don't have to settle for less when it comes to eating on the go, or slamming back mugs of coffee just to stay awake and alert.
Maybe you've tried energy drinks in the past to keep you up, but the rules have changed. You want the energy boost you need without a bunch of empty calorie promises.
Healthy Energy – When You Need It Most
If you crave a healthy energy alternative that refuels and revives your body quickly without a jittery feeling or energy crash, then you're gonna love Verve!*
With a convenient and fast-acting boost of energy, Verve has a delicious tropical fruit flavor, patterned after the very popular mangosteen fruit.*
Verve lets you control just how much healthy energy you get when you need it most.
Verve gives you...
.A delicious, fast-acting energy blend.
.12 full spectrum vitamins and plant 65 essential and trace plant sourced minerals.
.An exotic Mangosteen, Green Tea, and aloe superjuice blend.
Choosing the right amount of energy you need can change in an instant. That's why Verve comes in two perfect delivery systems: Verve Energy Drink or Verve Energy Shot.
Verve Energy Drink is a great tasting, lightly carbonated beverage that pairs well with the morning rush or for a fast-acting energy drink. It's the functional and refreshing 8 ounce energy drink that delivers 80 milligrams of natural caffeine and smooth healthy energy.
Verve Energy Shot shares the benefits of its energy drink counterpart packaged in a 3 ounce portable product. The shot is a quick, convenient way to recharge with a healthy boost of 125 milligrams of natural caffeine. It easily fits in your purse, pocket or carry on and doesn't require refrigeration.
Now You Can Try Verve RISK-FREE!
Here are just a few of the benefits the Verve provides your family:
.A delicious, fast-acting energy blend
.12 full spectrum vitamins and plant 65 essential and trace plant sourced minerals
.An exotic Mangosteen, Green Tea, and aloe superjuice blend
.Easy to use, no more choking down pills or tablets
.30-day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee
.Delicious with results you can feel
You risk nothing, because you're protected by our...
30-Day "Empty Bottle" Money-Back Guarantee
Listen, I want you to be as confident as all the satisfied customers who've used Vemma, Verve and NEXT. But just in case you have any lingering doubts whatsoever, I want to make it a no-brainer for you.
Try Vemma Nutrition today. See how delicious it tastes and what a difference in makes in the way you and your family feel.
If in the unlikely chance you don't notice a difference in the way you look and feel, then return your product to us for a complete 100% refund, even if the bottles are completely empty!
The truth is you NEVER have to worry about a refund. Why? Because once you actually start using these physician-formulated delicious nutritional supplements, packed with antioxidants, multivitamins, and essential body-ready minerals, I'm confident you're going to fall in love with the way you feel!
– BK Boreyko
CEO and Founder of Vemma
Try Verve Today!
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Or try our FIRST-TIME BUYER Product Bundles starting at $24.95
This is a RISK-FREE way to try all of the Vemma, NEXT and Verve nutritional products.
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至於決定權依然在你身上,Catherine R. Lin宛蓉
(因為Catherine R. Lin宛蓉真的 "不愛" 也 "不會" 推銷......)
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